- Infrastructure Facilities in High Schools in Bagalkot District of Karnataka
(As on 31.03.2020)
- Infrastructure Facilities in High Schools in Bagalkot District of Karnataka (2018-2019)
- Number of Library in Rural and Urban Areas in Bagalkot District of Karnataka (2016-2017)
- Number of Libraries in Rural and Urban Areas in Bagalkot District of Karnataka (2014-2015)
- Number of Libraries in Rural and Urban Areas in Bagalkot District of Karnataka (As on 31.03.2011)
- Sex-wise Student Strength in Government and Private Aided Degree Colleges in Bagalkot District of Karnataka (2010-2011)
- Number of Houses used for Schools, Colleges etc. in Bagalkot District of Karnataka (2011)
- Number of Student Strength in Government and Private Aided Colleges in Bagalkot District of Karnataka (2009-2010)
- Number of Libraries in Bagalkot District of Karnataka (2009-2010)
- Number of Student Strength at Government and Private Aided Colleges in Bagalkot District of Karnataka (2008-2009)
- Number of Libraries in Bagalkot District of Karnataka (2008-2009)
- Number of Student Strength (Government and Private) Aided Colleges in Bagalkot District of Karnataka (2007-2008)
- Number of Libraries in Bagalkot District of Karnataka (2007-2008)
- Number of Student Strength (Government and Private) Aided Colleges in Bagalkot District of Karnataka (2006-2007)
- Number of Libraries in Bagalkot District of Karnataka (2006-2007)
- Number of Houses used for Schools, Colleges etc. in Bagalkot District of Karnataka (2001)