- Number of Primary and Upper Primary Schools in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2019-2020)
- Transition Rate from Primary to Upper Primary Schools in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2019-2020)
- Transition Rate from Primary to Upper Primary Schools in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2018-2019)
- Number of Upper Primary Schools by Management in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2018-2019)
- Status of Lower/Upper Primary Schools in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2018-2019)
- Number of Primary and Upper Primary Schools Having Drinking Water/Separate Toilets in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2018-2019)
- Number of Lower Primary Schools by Management in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2018-2019)
- Number of Schools by Stages in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2018-2019)
- Number of Schools by Stages in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2017-2018)
- Number of Primary and Upper Primary Schools Having Drinking Water/Separate Toilets in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2017-2018)
- Number of Upper Primary Schools by Management in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2017-2018)
- Number of Upper Primary Schools by Management in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2016-2017)
- Number of Primary and Upper Primary Schools Having Drinking Water/Separate Toilets in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2016-2017)
- Status of Lower/Upper Primary Schools in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2016-2017)
- Transition Rate from Primary to Upper Primary Schools in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2016-2017)
- Number of Lower Primary Schools by Management in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2016-2017)
- Number of Schools by Stages in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2016-2017)
- Number of Schools by Stages in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2015-2016)
- Number of Upper Primary Schools in Enrolment and Teachers in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2014-2015)
- Government and Provincialised Primary and Upper Primary Schools having Various Facialities in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2014-2015)
- Status of Class-Rooms in Govt./Provincialised Primary and Upper Primary Schools in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2014-2015)
- Number of Upper Primary Schools in Enrolment and Teachers in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2013-2014)
- Status of Class-Rooms in Govt./Provincialised Primary and Upper Primary Schools in Districts of Assam (2012-2013)
- Government and Provincialised Primary and Upper Primary Schools having Various Facialities in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2012-2013)
- Number of Upper Primary Schools in Enrolment and Teachers in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2012-2013)
- Status of Class-Rooms in Govt./Provincialised Primary and Upper Primary Schools in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2011)
- Government and Provincialised Primary & Upper Primary Schools having Various Facialities in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2010-2011)
- Government and Provincialised Primary & Upper Primary Schools having Various Facialities in Dima Hasao / North Cachar Hills District of Assam (2009-2010)